- Robotic Assisted Sleeve Gastrectomy is Better than Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy - Candice Silverman
- Esophageal and Gastric Cancer rates are lower after Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass patients - Caroline Gronnier
- Revision choices after Sleeve Gastrectomy explain the higher revision rates than in Gastric Bypass patients - Jaime Ponce
- Shocking sleeve dilemmas (equally unfavorable or unsatisfactory)Revision Choices after sleeve gastrectomy explain the higher revision rates than in gastric bypass patients - Khaled Gawdat
- Increased risks of oesophago-gastric cancer following sleeve and bypass - Paul Burton
- Laparoscopic vs Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy - Dr Reza Adib
- Survival is higher with sleeve gastrectomy than with gastric bypass patients - Torsten Olbers
- Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass for Weight Loss in Diabetics - Michel Gagner
- Are there pragmatic ways we can collect high quality data to improve metabolic bariatric surgery practice? - Amir A. Ghaferi
- How will emerging medical therapies change metabolic bariatric surgery practice– do we need more evidence? - Jamy D. Ard
- Evidence base metabolic bariatric surgery – Impossible dream? - Maurizio De Luca
- Evidence Gaps in Metabolic Surgery - Philip R. Schauer
- Eating behaviours and weight outcomes after MBS - Annemarie Hindle
- Management of Reactive Hypoglycaemia a Surgical Perspective - Christine Stier
- The prevalence and implications for the management of Postprandial Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia (PHH) in the Metabolic Bariatric Surgery population - Daniella Di Benedetto
- The Microbiome and Obesity Management - Lee M. Kaplan
- Nutritional guidelines – do we have sufficient evidence? A practical view - Mary O'Kane
- Is Day Case Bariatric Surgery Feasible and Desirable? - Douglas Hacking
- Is Day Case Bariatric Surgery Feasible and Desirable? - Dr Igor Lemech
- Trauma Care for the Patient with Obesity - Joy Chen
- An Integrated Approach to Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome in the Surgical Setting - Rainer Lenhardt
- Remission of comorbidities following One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass in Latin America: A Systematic Review - Claudia M. Zaragoza-Calderón
- Trends in Bariatric And Metabolic Surgery in Colombia: Results of the First National Survey on Bariatric Surgery - Ernesto Pinto Lesmes
- Network Meta-analysis Of Endoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Versus Pharmacotherapy And Lifestyle Intervention For The Treatment Of Obesity - Jing Hong Loo
- Effect of Bariatric Surgery on Regression of Endometrial Cancer as Part of Fertility Sparing Management - Joshua SH Lim
- The Potential Role of Personalized Medicine in Predicting the Outcomes of Metabolic Bariatric Surgery - Mahsa Hatami
- Residual risk of adverse maternal, fetal and infant outcomes following surgical weight loss: A populationbased, matched cohort study - Olivia Lovrics
- The impact of type 2 diabetes on polycystic ovary syndrome in patients undergoing sleeve gastrectomy - Xin Huang
- The Efficacy of Metabolic Bariatric Surgery in the Treatment of Recurrent hypertriglyceridemia-induced Acute Pancreatitis - Yixing Ren
- Causes of Rehospitalization After Bariatric Surgery: A Single Center Experience from Tertiary Care Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan - Dr Zia Ullah
- Ireland's First Metabolic Surgery Department: Results After 5 Years Follow-Up - Zsolt Bodnar
- Transformation of Vertical Gastrectomy to Bypass Simplified with Anterior and Posterior Hiatal-plasty - Carlos Eduardo Perez Tristan
- Laproscopic Cpnversion of Roux -En-Y Gastric Bypass with History of Sleeve Gastrectomy to Bilipancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Due to Recurrent Weight Pain - Fahime Yarigholi
- The Reversal of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: Utilizing the Roux Limb in Response to Chronic Diarrhea in a Patient with Previous Multiple Bariatric Metabolic Surgeries - Mohamed Hany
- Robot assisted Conversion of RYGBP to BPD-DS - Rana C Pullatt
- Slipped Gastric Band: Conversion to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass as a Single-Stage Solution - S. Julie-Ann Lloyd
- Conversion sleeve gastrectomy with jejunoileal bypass from one anastomosis gastric bypass: Case report and surgical technique - Yong Jin Kim
- Gut microbiota composition and arterial hypertension improvement post-Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: GATEWAY Trial sub-analysis after 5 years - Carlos Schiavon
- Tracing immune reconstitution in the obese post-bariatric surgery through longitudinal single-cell RNA sequencing - Chuanwen Fan
- Inflammation, Adipocyte Disfunction, and suboptimal outcome: The Role of Neutrophile-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Sleeve gastrectomy - Jian Han Chen
- Establishment and validation of a predictive model for the development of hypoxemia after sleeve gastrectomy in obese patients - Junwei Guo
- Can the gut microbiome be used as a presurgical biomarker to predict bariatric surgery weight loss outcomes? – A systematic review - CHUE Koy Min
- Improved type 2 diabetes in ZDF rats through RYGB-mediated upregulation of hepatic TFF3 activating the Pl3K-AKT pathway - Ming He
- Neural correlates of sleeve gastrectomy-induced food preference changes in mice and investigation of gut taste receptors as an underlying mechanism - Dr Rosalind Walmsley
- Anatomical Variants of Proximal Stomach Post Sleeve Gastrectomy - Yit J Leang
- Management of Challenging Surgical Complications - Learning from real cases How to avoid disasters in MBS? - Almino Cardoso Ramos
- Splenic Bleeding during SG - Ben Clapp
- A whole variety of disasters: Get your Popcorn! - Felipe J. Cantu
- Gastric Wall Necrosis and Perforation following Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC) Coupled with Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) and Its Emergency Laproscopic Surgical Management - Muffazal Lakdawala
- Bypass disasters and more - Dr Pablo Omelanczuk
- OAGB Disaster What Can Go Wrong - Rami Lutfi
- SADI/ DS-The terrible Duodenum - Rana C Pullatt
- Considerations when dealing with adolescents - Louise Baur
- What is weight stigma? - Dr Briony Hill
- Obesity and (In)fertility - Ben W Mol
- Bariatic Surgery, Pregnancy and Complications - Edo Aarts
- Nutritional guidance before, during and following pregnancy - Mary O'Kane
- Pregnancy Post MBS A Real World Perspective - Dr Teresa Girolamo
- Key Perioperative, Surgical and Administrative Strategies & Challenges - Karim Ramji
- Is there a cost to safety? - Lilian Kow
- Bariatric ERAS: All hype or strong value proposition for patients and programs? - Mehran Anvari
- Ambulatory Bariatrics: Consideration beyond just VSGs - Dr Pierre Y. Garneau
- Innovative single-port approach for simultaneous ventral hernia repair and bariatric surgery: A retrospective case series study - Dr. Fadhel Alzahrani
- Intra-operative Hemosphere Hemodynamic Monitoring with Acumen Hypotension Predictive Software (HPI) in a complex Bariatric – Metabolic Patient - John Leyden
- 16 years of progress in gastric embolization for obesity management: A comprehensive review and report of outcomes in elderly patients - Pardo Juan Ignacio
- Impenetrable Abdomen: A Case Report Of Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Performed in Patient with Obesity And Huge Paramedian Laparocele - Martin De Siena
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Gastric Mucosal Ablation with Hybrid Argon Plasma Coagulation Combined to Endoscopic Gastroplasty - Martin De Siena
- Side-to-side Magnetic Duodeno-ileostomy (MAGDI) without gastrectomy for type-2 diabetes. Early data from a prospective cohort - Michel Gagner
- Laparoscopic delivery of a novel enterotomy capture device between self-forming magnetic anastomosis in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) patients - Dr. Mohit Bhandari
- Laparoscopic delivery of a novel enterotomy control and capture device between self-forming magnetic anastomosis in Single Anastomosis Duodenal Ileostomy bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy (SADI-S) - Dr. Mohit Bhandari
- Hugo RAS Bariatrics Innovation - Raj Palaniappan
- Closure of Mesenteric Defects During Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass Using Cyanoacrylate Glue - Ravi Aggarwal
- Implementing of artificial intelligence algorithms to monitor and improve the adherence and compliance of bariatric surgery patients to dietary and life style - Razieh Khalooeifard
- Innovative advances in bariatric surgery: assessing the efficacy of ChatGPT-4 in optimal surgical technique selection - R. López-Gonzalez
- Safety & Efficacy of Sasj {Sleeve + Sleeve-Jejunal Bypass} – 5 yr Data Multicenter - Surendra Ugale
- Three-port laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for sever obesity - Vasileios Drakopoulos
- The Effect of Single-Anastomosis Sleeve Ileal (SASI) Bypass on Patients with Severe Obesity in Three Consecutive Years - A. Vahidi
- Group-matched study of OAGB vs SASJ - 3 year data in a single unit - Dr. Ayushka Ugale
- Comparison of weight loss and improvement in metabolic syndrome outcomes between endoscopic gastroplasty and lifestyle modifications: a meta-analysis - Charleen Yeo
- SAS-J as a primary or revisional procedure? - Chien-Hua Lin
- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy & Mini (OAGB) Gastric Bypass- Safety and Long-term Data >3000 cases - David Martin
- A three-year follow-up analysis on the efficacy of SG plus JJB in patients with T2DM with BMI≥40 kg/m2 - Guanglong Dong
- 15 years of OAGB, 10000 cases lessons learned where we burned our fingers - Mahak Bhandari
- Adding a ring to the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass -a propensity score matched analysis of 5 year follow up results - Marijn Jense
- Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG): results from a single surgical bariatric centre - Mirto Foletto
- Safety and weight loss outcomes of Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty vs Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy from a single centre - Shanker Pasupathy
- Five-Year Outcomes of SG VS SG Plus JJB: a single center retrospective study - Dr. Xiangwen Zhao
- SG+TB(OATB,SASI) vs SG :A Randomized Clinical Trial One Year Outcome - Xiaocheng Zhu
- Long-term outcomes of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with duodenojejunal bypass (LSG-DJB): a retrospective analysis - Yosuke SEKI
- Pilot-Testing a Bariatric-Specific Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for the Australia and New Zealand Bariatric Surgery Registry - Alyssa Budin
- Efficacy of low dose Semaglutide 1.0 mg for the treatment of recurrent weight regain or inadequate clinical response after bariatric-metabolic surgery - Anthony Brancatisano
- Early-life body mass index has a causal relationship with type 2 diabetes: multivariate and mediated mendelian randomization analysis - Bojun Zhou
- Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists (Semaglutide) in conjunction with a diet and exercise program for the treatment of weight regain or weight loss plateau in Post-bariatric Surgery patients - Deeba Siddiqui
- Psychological and sociodemographic characteristics of bariatric surgery candidates in the Bariatric Surgery Center of Thessaloniki - Elias (Ilias) Sdralis
- Bariatric surgery: Clinical outcomes in terms of thromboembolic events from a National high-volume center in Colombia - Ernesto Pinto Lesmes
- Weight Loss Efficiency on Low-dose, Slow-loading GLP1 Analogue Therapy - Liraglutide - Dr. Maeve C. Durkan
- Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass For Type 2 Diabetes and Morbid Obesity Psychology and Quality of Life - Preekesh Patel
- Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass For Type 2 Diabetes and Morbid Obesity Medication Changes - Preekesh Patel
- Where Anti-Obesity Medication Fits in with Bariatric Surgery? – What’s Trending - Thomas J. Mathews
- Pre and Post Semaglutide Era: A Comparative Study of Bariatric Surgery Outcomes - Winnie Mathur
- Bariatric Surgery & Ventral Hernia Repair - Ahmad Aly
- MBS to facilitate Orthopaedic Procedures - Andrew Hardidge
- Interventions to Facilitate MBS in Non-Ambulant Patients - Christine Stier
- MBS in patients with auto immune arthritis - Christine Stier
- What do we need to be in place? - Louise Baur
- Are We Too Afraid to Operate on Kids – What's the Data? - Sanjeev Khurana
- The Young and the Old Looking into the future - drugs or surgery? - Dr Shirley Alexander
- MAFLD, Cirrhosis, Bariatric Intervention - David Yeo
- Renal Disease & Transplantation: the Role & Target of Metabolic/Bariatric Surgery - Ian D Michell
- Anaesthetic and Peri-Operative Considerations in Severe Cardiopulmonary Disease - Mike Margarson
- Bariatric Surgery in a Cardiac Transplant Program - how, when and why - Dr Sarah Gutman
- Determinants of Total Body Weight Loss with the Liver Reducing Diet: Insights from a Multi-Centre Study - A Askari
- Short-termcomplicationsin bariatricsurgery: Experiencefroma Nationalhigh-volumecenter in Colombia - Ernesto Pinto Lesmes
- Outcome of Bariatric Surgery in Chinese Patients with Liver Cirrhosis - Hong Jian
- To compare efficacy Bariatric Surgery vs. Supervised Medical weight loss in improving NAFLD in a UAE-based population - Juan S. Barajas-Gamboa
- Metabolic resolution and its predictive factors after bariatric surgery: 5-year outcomes - Kanittha Sakolprakaikit
- Ten-year outcomes and quality of life in patients undergoing Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass Surgery - Karim Ramji
- Impact of a Public Health Policy for Bariatric Surgery in a South American Country - Katrina Lolas Tornquist
- Utility of One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass in Type 1 Diabetes, A Case Series - Dr Mani Niazi
- Long-term patient satisfaction with Roux-en-y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy: a 10-year follow-up study - Mehran Anvari
- Impact of Bariatric Surgery on urinary incontinence in obese individuals: 5 year outcomes - Dr. Prasanna Ramana
- Sequential Changes in Glucose Metrics after MBS Using a CGM System in Individuals with T2DM and Obesity - Sang Hyun Kim
- Body composition's impact on MAFLD resolution: insights from bariatric surgery in an Eastern-Asian context - Ting-Wei Chang
- The Mid-term Effects of Transit Bipartition with Sleeve Gastrectomy (A retrospective study in China) - Xiaocheng Zhu
- Perioperative Outcomes of Robotic versus Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery in Australia - Dr. Yit J Leang
- Jejuno-Jejunostomy stricture Post Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass, a Dilemma in Diagnosis and Management: Video Case-Presentation - Alwahhaj Khogeer
- Prepyloric Gastric Outlet Obstruction: a late complication of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass - Aziz Benbrahim
- A patient with staple line leakage was successfully treated by converting the sleeve gastrectomy(SG) to Roux-en-Y transit -bipartition(RY-TB) - Jian Hong
- Surgical approach of a severe dumping syndrome case after LRYGB - Matheus Netto
- Gastric Bypass Reversal for Excessive Weight Loss - Monique Hassan
- Roux-en-Y Fistulo-Jejunostomy for the management of Chronic Gastro-cutaneous fistula post-Sleeve Gastrectomy - Zia Ullah
- The Effect of Meal Frequency on the Occurrence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy - Abdullah Almunifi
- GERD Questionnaire Post SG With Gastropexy and Omentopexy Vs Without - Aly Elbahrawy
- Quality of Life in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease One Year After Sleeve Gastrectomy - Fernando Munoz-Flores
- Exploring Preoperative Clinical Profiles and 24-hour Ph-Impedance for Anti-reflux Surgery in Patients with Overweight or Obesity - Harold Guerrero
- Correlation of the Endoscopic Esophagogastric Junction Integrity with Symptomatic GERD in Patients Undergoing Work-Up for Bariatric Surgery - Hasan Erdem
- Kill three birds with one stone Sleeve reduction, cruroplasty, gastropexy, and concomitant sleeve ileal bypass for patients with gastroesophageal reflux, constipation and weight regain after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy - Jiangfan zhu
- Preoperative Endoscopy in Bariatric Surgery Candidates: Prevalence of Upper Gastrointestinal Pathology and Risk Factors for Reflux Esophagitis - Peirong Tian
- Gastric Remnant Fundoplication in OAGB - Philip Gan
- ALRYGB a LRYGB that treats all Reflux and improves Weight Loss - Stefaan De Clercq
- Pre-operative endoscopic screening and Barrett oesophagus for sleeve gastrectomy - Yazmin Johari
- Defining physiological and pathological reflux following sleeve gastrectomy - Yazmin Johari
- Considerations Of GLP-1 Agonists In Patients Presenting For Metabolic And Bariatric Surgery-Surgeon And Anesthesiologist's Perspective - Anupama Wadhwa
- GLP-1 RA medications and Anesthesia Considerations Unified Multi-society Guidance - Teresa La Masters
- Implementation of the New Guidelines in Europe - Gerhard Prager
- Implementation of the new Guidelines in USA - Jaime Ponce
- The Scientific Evidence Supporting the New Guidelines - Maurizio De Luca
- Endorsement of the New Guidelines by Other Scientific Societies, Current Status and What We need to do - Scott A. Shikora
- ASMBS / IFSO Guidelines on Indications for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery 2022 The New Guidelines – What has Changed? - Teresa La Masters
- Recurrent Weight Gain after SADI-S: Here we go again! Patient Selection & Solutions - Antonio J. Torres
- Weight Gain: Here we go again! Patient Selection & Solutions - Michel Gagner
- Recurrent weight gain after RYGB: options - Prof Michel Suter
- Managing Weight Regain after One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB) - Dr. Mohit Bhandari
- LAGB: Additional Surgery Need it? Options and Choices - Natan Zundel
- Overview of Public Bariatric Surgery - Ahmad Aly
- The "dilemma" of limited resources in Public Bariatrics - George Hopkins
- Public Bariatric Surgery in Rural areas The Dilemma - Dr Nick Williams
- Maintaining hope when powerless-how clinicians hope to change the system - Paul Burton
- Physician's perspective on public bariatric surgery - Samantha Hocking
- How to navigate the problem of inconsistent access to obesity management medications - Dr Georgia Rigas
- What is the impact of obesity management medications on body composition? - John B Dixon
- When Should Obesity Management Medications be Considered After MBS? - Kwang Wei THAM
- Who May Benefit from OMM Before Surgery? - Nasreen Alfaris
- Indications, efficacy and safety of the new anti-obesity medications - Samantha Hocking
- What is the impact of obesity medications on nutrition? Should we be concerned? - Silvia Leite
- LSG and reflux - Michael Talbot
- Barrett’s Oesophagus Following Sleeve Gastrectomy – Real Association or Normal Variant? - Oliver M. Fisher
- Is Bypass the answer? Reflux and other functional gut issues after RYGB and OAGB - Shanu N. Kothari
- What does "normal" look like after bariatric surgery? - Yazmin Johari
- Plant-Based Caloric Restriction Diets (PB-CRD)on Weight Loss in Obesity - Kelibinuer Mutailipu
- The Association Between Body Composition, Metabolic Syndrome Parameters, and Biomarkers related to Energy Expenditure after Bariatric Surgery - Mahsa Hatami
- The Role of Gastric-Derived GLP-1 Deficiency in Obesity-Induced Appetite Dysregulation - Siqi Wang
- Young Researchers in Obesity Healthcare Professionals: Call for Global Collaborations - Dr. Wah Yang
- Efficacy of tirzepatideon patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease; a prospective, two-arm, observational study - Yuki Oe
- New anti-obesity medications VS surgery for recurrent weight gain after metabolic bariatric surgery - Zhiyong Dong
- Laparoscopic Assisted ERCP for CBD Stone Post OAGB with Prior Sleeve Gastrectomy - Aly Elbahrawy
- Reduced Port Laparoscopic RYGB - Aung Myint Oo
- Reduced Port Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy - Charleen Yeo
- A Scopinaro Procedure or What else? - Daniel Richard Krawczykowski
- Alternative Simplified Approach for Duodenal Transection - Dongjae Jeon
- Glutack for mesenteric defects closure after RYGB - Mirto Foletto
- 3 Incision Robot Assisted Bilipancreatic Diversion - Ryland Stucke
- Weight Years - Establishment of a New Parameter for the Prognosis of Obesity-associated Diseases - Eleni Amelia Felinska
- Initial experience at an IFSO-LAC Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Fellowship training center based in Reynosa, Mexico - Felipe Cantu Garza
- Bariatric Ambulatory Surgery - Dr Antoine SINA
- Enhancing Competency in Bariatric-Metabolic Surgery: The Impact of Simulation-Based Training on Surgeon's Experience - Diego Sanhueza
- Bariatric Revision Surgery A Single-Institutional Review of Trends and Indications - Jack W Sample
- Day-case Bariatric Surgery: Evaluating Feasibility, Safety, and Outcomes at a Tertiary Bariatric centre in the United Kingdom - Osamah Niaz
- The Future of Bariatric Surgery: Day-Case - Peter S Billing
- Analysis of Online Crowdfunding Prevalence, Motives, and Success Factors Among Patients Pursuing Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in the United States - Safraz A. Hamid
- Analysis of Online Crowdfunding Prevalence, Motives, and Success Factors Among Patients Pursuing Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in the United States - Safraz A. Hamid
- Prevalence and Outcomes of Same Day Discharge after Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in Patients >65 Years Old - Safraz A. Hamid
- Online search trends related to bariatric surgery and its relationship with utilization in Australia - Vysheki Satchithanandha
- Nomogram to predict resumption of regular menstruation after sleeve gastrectomy in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome - Xin Huang
- Establishing a prediction model for perioperative complications of single-port laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (SPLSG) - Yan Gu
- Laparoscopic gastro-bronchial and gastro-colonic fistulae takedown with Roux-en-Y fistulojejunostomy after proximal gastric sleeve leak - Abdelrahman Nimeri
- POSE2.0 (ENFOLDING TECHNIQUE) POSE2.0et - Barham Abu Dayyeh
- Management of a Proximal and Distal Staple Line Leak following Sleeve Gastrectomy and a Concurrent Duodenal Ulcer by Emergency Laparoscopic Conversion to a Roux-en-Y Bypass - Baxter Smith
- Management of leak after revision of Roux En–Y Gastric Bypass for weight regain by internal pigtail drainage - Mohamed Hany
- First Global Report of Catastrophic Results Due to Internal Herniation of Roux Limb in the Space between the Gastric Pouch and Band: a Series of 3 Cases of Banded Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass(BRYGB) - Pooja Unadkat
- Obesity Management Medication: Use in Practice - C. Joe Northup
- The IFSO Consensus Conference on the Use of OMMs in the Context of MBS - Gerhard Prager
- Use of Obesity Management Medications after Metabolic / Bariatric Surgery - Lee M. Kaplan
- Obesity Management Medications & Metabolic Surgery Perspectives on Cost-Effectiveness - Ricardo Cohen
- Multimodal therapy Medications with surgery - How I do it - Teresa La Masters
- SADI-S is the best option after Sleeve Gastrectomy - Antonio J. Torres
- Shark Tank Session - Camilo Boza
- Endoscopy Gastroplasty will Increase as a First Step Treatment of Obesity - Christine Stier
- OAGB will have more complications than it appears - Francois Pattou
- Magnets are not ready - George Hopkins
- Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty will disappear for bad results - Jaime Ponce
- SASI will rise as easier and reasonable option after Sleeve Gastrectomy - John Rodriguez
- New Medication Will Boost Bariatric Surgery - Marina Kurian
- Magnetic Surgery is the next revolution in Bariatric Surgery - Michel Gagner
- One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass will become the Most Performed Bariatric Procedure - Dr. Mohit Bhandari
- New Medication will Lower the Number of Bariatric Surgery - Nasreen Alfaris
- Recurrent weight gain and disordered eating - Dr Carmel Harrison
- Addressing mental health challenges - what can healthcare professionals do better? Body Image Dissatisfaction - Gemma Sharp
- Neurodevelopmental Issues - Lareena Brown
- Psychotherapeutic Interventions for MBS Clients - Dr Rachel Gold
- Addressing Mental Health Challenges: Alcohol and Substance Misuse - Stephanie Sogg
- Psychiatry, Medications andBariatric Surgery - Dr Vash Singh
- Weight Issues Network - Andrew Wilson
- Power to Patients - Lived Experience of Obesity and its potential to inform, increase and improve provision of bariatric metabolic surgery - Damian Verner
- Prevalence and Causes of Weight Stigma - Francesco Rubino
- IFSO Congress: JDRF Australia presentation - Suzanne Culph
- What Every Surgeon Needs to Incorporate into Their Practice - Dr Daniel Schneider
- CLIMATE CHANGE - Changing the World through Education and Advocacy - Geoffrey Metz
- Regain After LGP - Mohammad Talebpour
- Conversional OAGB: A Safe and Effective Procedure - Aaron Lerch
- OAGBP, RYGBP, or SADI for Failed Sleeve - Abdulsalam Al Taie
- International Multicenter Study Of 2 Step SADI As A Rescue For Sleeve Gastrectomy - Amador García Ruiz de Gordejuela
- Comparison of Weight Loss Outcomes Between a Combined RYGB Revisional Technique and Sleeve to RYGB Conversion in the Setting of Weight Regain - Arturo Estrada
- Characterization of Patients Undergoing Sleeve Gastrectomy Complicated with Leakage in the Last 17 Years in a Subgroup of Patients from Concepción, Chile - Giovanni Concha
- Outcomes comparison between Primary versus Revisional Duodenal Switch in patients with BMI greater than 55 kg/m2 - Lorna A. Evans
- Assessment of Conservative Approach for Post Operative Bleeding (POB) after Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) - Results of a single-center Study - Marie-Cecile Blanchet
- OAGB or RYGB as Revisional Surgery for Failed Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Comparison of Weight Loss Outcomes - Ravi Aggarwal
- Double Tract Reversal of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass - Rayana ABOU-SLEIMAN
- Causes of Recurrent Weight Regain - Asim Shabbir
- Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery for Asian Patients with BMI>50kg/m2 - Aung Myint Oo
- Redo for Recurrent Weight Gain after RYGB - Dr Muffazal Lakdawala
- RYGB in >50BMI in Asians - Dr.P.Praveen Raj
- Asian Evidence in SADI-S - Dr. Ravi Rao
- Metabolic and Bariatric surgery for Asian patients with BMI > 50 Kg/m2 - Wei-Jei Lee
- IFSO APC PACIFIC CHAPTER SESSION: Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery for Asian Patients with BMI > 50 Kg/m2 - Yosuke SEKI
- Robotic Bariatric Surgery Will be the Preferred Technique Before 2030 - Ann M. Rogers
- Conversion Surgery: Nissen fundoplication to RYGB - Ernesto Pinto Lesmes
- Ethics in Innovative Procedures in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery - Estuardo Behrens
- Early obstruction of gastro-yeyunal anastomosis: Laparoscopic/Endoscopic Management - Florencia Marizcurena
- Landscape of Bariatric Surgery in times of GLP1s - Jaime Ponce
- How to train and be trained in bariatric interventions in 2024 - Dr. Julian Varas
- State of Artificial Intelligence: Bariatric Medicine & Surgery - Maria Iliakova
- Are incretin mimetics becoming the first line of treatment for obesity class 1 and 2? - Marina Kurian
- Is Side-to-Side Magnetic Duodeno-Ileostomy the future of outpatient anastomotic bariatric Surgery? - Michel Gagner
- Cutting Edge of Minimally Invasive Bariatric Interventions - Natan Zundel
- Complications and Endoscopic Suturing - Ravishankar Asokkumar
- Update in metabolic surgery What are the cutting-edge inventions in 2024? - Ricardo Cohen
- Are Bariatric Surgery Fellows Finding Jobs? - Shanu N. Kothari
- Recurrence of Weight Gain after RYGB… The story of the 4th Redo - Ashraf Haddad
- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy and concomitant Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication: Future or Myth? - Hazem Al Momani
- How I changed my limb length throughout the years. What is the evidence? - Khaled Gawdat
- Limb lengths in OAGB and SADI-S - Antonio J. Torres
- Diagnosis and management of hypoglycemia after RYGB and OAGB - Daniel Moritz Felsenreich
- Why not do a Sleeve Gastrectomy? - Edo Aarts
- Combined Roles of Drugs and MBS in Patients with Obesity - Maurizio De Luca
- RYGB: management in case of insufficient primary response - Torsten Olbers
- Design and development of a nurse-led program for the management of bariatric surgery patients - The NURLIFE program - Cláudia Mendes
- Patient and professional perceptions for long-term optimal clinical response: A Framework for Bariatric Surgery Patient Care - Claudia Mendes
- One anastomosis gastric bypass—revisional versus primary bariatric procedure - Deeba Siddiqui
- Preoperative leptin fat mass ratio is not a predictive factor of weight loss after bariatric surgery - Deeba Siddiqui
- Predicting Pregnancy at the First Year following Metabolic-Bariatric Surgery: Development and Validation of Machine Learning Models - Fahime Yarigholi
- Patient satisfaction with their historical choice to undergo bariatric surgery in the era of new anti-obesity medications - Ildiko Lingvay
- Bariatric Hospital in the home (bHITH) – providing safe, resource efficient care in government funded healthcare settings - Jarryd Walkley
- Association Between Dietary Intake after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery and Antioxidant/inflammatory Status: A 6-Month Prospective Cohort Study - Mahsa Hatami
- One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass in a Woman with Type 1 Diabetes Unaware of Pregnancy - Dr Mani Niazi
- Utility of One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass in Type 1 Diabetes, A Case Series - Dr Mani Niazi
- Bariatric Surgery for Adults with Obesity-Related asthma - Mitsuhiro Sumitani
- Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency Prevalence, screening and treatment in a private bariatric practice - Olivia Edwards
- Predicting aerobic fitness in bariatric populations Are we getting it right? - Rebecca Dostan
- Meta-synthesis of primary care practitioner and patient perspectives of care following bariatric surgery - Sally Badorrek
- Patient perspective on weight bias and stigma in obesity management: impact and gender disparities - Violeta Moize Arcone
- MGB in Patient with Situs Inversus Totalis - Aly Elbahrawy
- GJ Dehiscence 2 Years Post MGB - Digvijaysingh Bedi
- Pulsed Argon Plasma Coagulation(APC) done over the greater curvature of the Stomach - Muffazal Lakdawala
- Stapler Misuse: The Burden of a New Scrub Nurse in Your Operating Room Team - Osama Hamed
- When You See the Gastric Calibration Tube Outside The Posterior Wall of the Distal Esophagus During Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: The Burden of a New Anesthetist - Osama Hamed
- Roux-en-Y Fistulo-Jejunostomy for the management of Chronic Gastro-cutaneous fistula post-Sleeve Gastrectomy - Tahir Yunus
- Intestinal Malrotation in a Patient undergoing Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass - Victor Valenti
- Metabolic Surgery and Hypertension GATEWAY Trial - Carlos A Schiavon
- Safety Outcomes and 5-year Healthcare Utilisation After Bariatric Surgery And Other Elective Surgical Treatments (General Surgery) - Francesco Rubino
- Indications and Coverage of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery: A Worldwide IFSO Survey Comparing Different National Guidelines - Juan Pujol‐Rafols
- Comparison of Micronutrient Deficiencies Following Sleeve Gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y and One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass - Caitlin Sorour
- Burden of Anemia and Iron Deficiency in Indian Obese Population A Study in Patients Undergoing BMS at a Single Centre - Daksha Chitale
- Comparison of analysis of skeletal muscle loss after one anastomosis gastric bypass by skeletal muscle mass index vs. bioelectrical impedance analysis - Deeba Siddiqui
- Sarcopenia in adult patients candidates for Bariatric Surgery: How frequent is it? - Florencia Marizcurena
- Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) after metabolic - bariatric surgery is best predicted by pre-operative serum levels - Rosalind Walmsley
- Exercise intensity-dependent metabolic benefits in muscle, adipose tissue, and liver of candidates to undergo bariatric surgery - Sergio Martínez Huenchullan
- Preoperative micronutrient gap: high prevalence yet we focus on postoperative treatment - systematic review - Xueying Sherry Tang
- The impact of preoperative anemia on postoperative anemia and related nutritional abnormalities after bariatric surgery - Yuntao Nie
- The necessity for long term multivitamin use after Sleeve Gastrectomy - Edo Aarts
- Impact Study Preoperative Micronutrient Supplementation - Edo Aarts
- Revisional Bariatric Surgery Outcomes Following Suboptimal Response Post-Sleeve Gastrectomy: Insights from a Single Saudi Center - Heba Alfaris
- Endoscopic management of fistulas after sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass by the bariatric surgeon, 5-year feedback - Marie-Cecile Blanchet
- Jejuno-jejunostomy complications early after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass - Michel Suter
- A Review of the Braun Anastomosis As An Alternative for Treatment of Bile Reflux Following One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass - Nathan Ip
- Factors associated with early surgical complications of sleeve gastrectomy: a ten-year review of national data from the United Kingdom - Osamah Niaz
- Laparoscopic Revision After One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB): A 3-years Experience in a Single High-volume Bariatric Surgery Center in Northern Italy - Paolo Gentileschi
- Oesophagogastric Malignancy Following Metabolic Bariatric Surgery Challenges, Lessons Learnt and Recommendations - Paolo Gentileschi
- OAGB-MGB with hand-sewn anastomosis as a way to prevent marginal ulcers –results of a prospective study - Vladimir Samoylov
- Understanding and managing anemia in patients following bariatric surgery - Zhiyong Dong
- The influence of liver reduction diet on total body weight loss in patients with diabetes mellitus priorto bariatric surgery - Alan Askari
- Association between sonographic diagnosis of fatty liver and laboratory data with pathologic liver biopsy findings in bariatric surgery patient - Babak Hosseini
- Brain Volumetric Changes one year after sleeve gastrectomy - Benjamin Clapp
- Spectral CT Analysis of Adipose Tissue Area for Predicting Long-term Remission of Type 2 Diabetes After Metabolic Bariatric Surgery - Chengyuan Yu
- Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy(LSG) vs GLP-1 receptor agonists(GLP-1 RAs) in morbidly obese patients with insulin resistance:A prospective cohort study - Danlu Liu
- Patients with diabetes require more stapler reloads per bariatric procedure - David Martin
- Bile Flow and Types of Anastomosis in OAGB - Hosein Mahmoud Zabihi
- Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Myosteatosis in Morbidly Obese Patients - Hyuk-Joon Lee
- Esophageal Dysfunction after Bariatric Surgery - Hyuk-Joon Lee
- Quantifying body composition changes 12 months following bariatric surgery: Sleeve gastrectomy vs Roux-en-Y gastric bypass - Jonathan Sivakumar
- Association of Bilirubin with Liver Fibrosis and Remission of Diabetes in Morbid Obesity Patients Undergoing to Bariatric Surgery - Luis Ocana
- Effects of bariatric surgery on rapid remission of NAFLD: an exploratory metabolomics and validation study: a prospective cohort study - Mengyi Li
- Does the third lumbar vertebral skeletal muscle index (L3SMI) predict weight loss in patients post Metabolic Bariatric Surgery? - Othman Al-Fagih
- Implementing of artificial intelligence algorithms to monitor and improve the adherence and compliance of bariatric surgery patients to dietary and life style - Razieh Khalooeifard
- Rethinking advantage risk profile of ESG vs SG: an MBSAQIP analysis - Abdelrahman A. Nimeri
- Public Bariatric Surgery in Aboriginal and Torresstrait Island Patients - Daniel L Chan
- Anthropometric Changes & Nutritional Deficiencies Following Bariatric Surgery in Geriatric Population: An updated Comprehensive Review - Dr. Farnaz Farsi
- Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents; safety and effectiveness - Experience in Chile - Marcos Berry
- Is the 200cm Biliopancreatic Limb the Answer to Sustained Weight Loss with an RYGB? - Dr Muffazal Lakdawala
- Midterm Outcomes of One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass for patients with BMI<35 kg/m2 from a Large Single Center - Shahab Shahabi Shahmiri
- 10-year Results of Ileal Interposition for Diabetes in BMI 20—35kg/m2 - Dr. Surendra Ugale
- Comparative analysis of the short-term efficacy and safety of SADI-S and BPD/DS in the treatment of Chinese obese patients - Tao Jiang
- Nissen Sleeve Gastrectomy with Hiatal Hernia Repair for Class 3 Obesity and Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease - Jean Sebastien Lanne
- Revisional Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Suboptimal Weight Loss and Persistant Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease - Jean Sebastien Lanne
- Gastric Bypass after Placement of Esophageal Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation Device - Monique Hassan
- Nissen's RYGB - Dr Muffazal Lakdawala
- Robotic Recurrent Para-Esophageal Hernia Repair with the Use of the Left Triangular Ligament with Concurrent Conversion from Nissen to Gastric Bypass - Sara Bocchinfusov
- Management Of Recurrent Hiatus Hernia with Band Migration and Erosion with Gastro-Gastric Fistula After Robotic Roux-En-Y Bypass For Hiatus Hernia - Shashank Shah
- Management Of Recurrent Hiatal Hernia post Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) - Zia Ullah
- Improved cardiac autonomic modulation assessed by Heart Rate Variability may predict short term out comes of Bariatric Surgery - Abtin Vahidi
- Single Centre Retrospective Analysis of Early Marginal Ulcers after Metabolic Bariatric Procedures - Alexandra Regina Szewczyk
- The Interplay Between Iron Deficiency and Gut Microbiome Status Following Bariatric-Metabolic Surgery: A comprehensive review - Dr. Farnaz Farsi
- 5 Year Outcomes of Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass vs One Anastomotic Gastric Bypass in Lacto-Vegetarian Subset of Indian Population - Dr Riddhish Gadani
- Research on the Prediction Model for Early Biliary Stasis after Sleeve Gastrectomy Based on Machine Learning Algorithms - Siqi Wang
- Revision After Gastric Band / Sleeve BMI >50?RYGB Is The Only Choice - Ahmad Aly
- BPL and TALL-CC in RYGB and OAGB What do they have in common and how are they different? - Almino Cardoso Ramos
- OAGB for BMI > 50 kg/m2 and as a revisional procedure after LSG and LAGB - Hazem Al Momani
- Marginal ulcer: technical problem? - Prof Michel Suter
- Marginal Ulcer after RYGBP - Rana C Pullatt
- Jejuno-jejunostomy makes RYGB more difficult than OAGB - Torsten Olbers
- What is Prehabilitation? - Cassandra Octaviano
- Fact or Fiction? Correcting nutritional deficiencies prior to MBS results in better postop patient outcomes - Edo Aarts
- Clinical tips and tricks in optimising patients prior to MBS, including which patients should be referred for prehabilitation/ERAS - Jarryd Walkley
- Does increased structured pre-op physical activity result in improved post MBS outcomes? - Kia Naylor
- Prehabilitation – The lived experience - Leanne McNamara
- Optimising Diet Quality & Eating Behaviours in Preparation for Metabolic Bariatric Surgery - Liz Goodall
- Overcoming the firewall! Clinical tips on how to engage and retain patients in the prehabilitation process - Simon Morris
- Duodenal Resurfacing & other gastro-duodenal procedures - Dr Adrian Sartoretto
- Hybrid and Small Bowel Endoscopic Procedures - Barham Abu Dayyeh
- New and Emerging Endoscopic Platforms - Barham Abu Dayyeh
- What's the Future of Robotic Bariatric Surgery? - Erik B. Wilson
- State of Emerging Technology: Bariatric Medicine & Surgery - Maria Iliakova
- What's happening in magnetic surgery? - Mark Magdy
- Surgical Outcomes, Choice of Procedure or Something Else - Francesco Rubino
- Diabetes Recurrence with and without recurrent weight gain - Ildiko Lingvay
- Innovative surgical procedures in the modern era of diabetes treatment: friend or foe? - Paulina Salminen
- The "weight" of weight loss in diabetes treatment - Priya Sumithran
- Diabesity treatments in 2024: the endpoints surgeons need to know - Tarissa Beatrice Zanata Petry
- Primary One Anastomosis Tansit Bipatition (OATB) How I do it? - Ala Wafa
- Transit Bipartition and Intestinal By-pass: Physiopathology and Surgical Principles - Antonio J. Torres
- Transit bipartition and intestinal glcabsorption - Francois Pattou
- SASI VS. SADI - Mark Magdy
- Duodenal Bipartition: Concept and Clinical Options at the present time - Michel Gagner
- Measuring the length of small bowel - Surendra Ugale
- SLEEVE + Sleeve-Jejunal Bypass SASJ - Surendra Ugale
- Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass - Ali Vahidirad
- Catastrophe of Not Measuring Whole Bowel Length: Severe Malnutrition Post Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass and its Management: A video - Alwahhaj Khogeer
- Surgical considerations of Roux-en-Y Fistulojejunostomy for Chronic Gastrocutaneous Fistula after Sleeve Gastrectomy - Nariman Mehrnia
- Simultaneous occurence of two perforated marginal Ulcer after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass without any risk factor - Nariman Mehrnia
- Comprehensive Insights Into Bariatric Surgery Complications in One Case - Osama Hamed
- Conversion to RYGBP for Chronic Sleeve Fistula - Rana C Pullatt
- Esophagojejunostomy for sleeve leak and gastro-pleural fistula - Sara Bocchinfuso
- Peterson's Hernia was unexpected discovered during laproscopic exploration in a patient with port site hernia after SG-TB procedure - Xiaocheng Zhu
- The Sleeve with Reflux and Recurrent Weight Gain – Conversion to RYGB - Almino Cardoso Ramos
- Debate: The Sleeve with Reflux and Recurrent Other sleeve plus procedures - Kazunori Kasama
- Rygb with Recurrent Weight Gain Endoscopy - Christine Stier
- Type I Distalisation - Michael Talbot
- SADI/DS Conversion for weight regain after RYGBP - Rana C Pullatt
- RYGB post OAGB for weight regain - David Martin
- Recurrent weight Gain after OAGB: Decreasing the Common Channel Limb Length(CCLL) - Maurizio De Luca
- Next-Gen Robotics & Instruments: Emerging surgical tools that enhance precision, reduce invasiveness, and improve outcomes - Abdelrahman A. Nimeri
- Remote Monitoring an Followup applications - Camilo Boza
- Enhancing Surgical Precision: MR Applications in Surgery - Malcolm Laurie
- Artificial Intelligence in Bariatric Surgery - Natan Zundel
- Harnessing Big Data for Predictive Analytics in Bariatric Surgery - Victoria Gershuni
- Is it dumping and/or hypoglycemia how do I know and what to do? - Francois Pattou
- Chronic ulcer after LRYGB – What are the treatment options? - Marco Bueter
- Recurrent weight gain after LRYGB What is the treatment algorithm or is there one? - Ralph Peterli
- Abdominal pain after RYGB-a technical preventable problem or just a "bypass problem" - Torsten Olbers
- Esophageal Function, Acid and None-acid Reflux after One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass - A Prospective Midterm Study - Daniel Moritz Felsenreich
- Indications and Outcomes of Laparoscopic Versus Robotic Conversional Bariatric Surgery: An MBSAQIP Study - John H. Rodriguez
- The Influence of the Intestinal Microbiota on the Pathophysiology of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Study in Patients with Severe Obesity - Luis Ocana
- Sleeve Gastrectomy versus Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Type 2 Diabetes and Morbid Obesity: Ten-Year Results - Megan Grinlinton
- Simultaneous versus Interval Sleeve Gastrectomy on Patients Requiring Left Ventricular Assist Devices as a Bridge to Heart Transplantation - Oscar A. Olavarria
- Outcomes Beyond 10 Years of Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass vs. Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Obesity: Weight Loss, Comorbidities, and Reoperations of the SM-BOSS Trial - Ralph Peterli
- Inter-surgeon variability in metabolic and bariatric surgery in the Netherlands: a multi-level analysis - Ronald Liem
- Mid-term Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial-single Anastomosis Duodeno-ileal Bypass Versus Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch - Stephan Axer
- GLP-1RAs For the Treatment of Inadequate Weight Loss And Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis - Yuntao Nie
- Comparison of Patients' and Healthcare Practitioners’ Evaluation of Patient-Reported Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery – A Modified Delphi Study - Alyssa Budin
- Iron deficiency and prevalence of anemia: 3 years study after one anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) for severe obesity – A Modified Delphi Study - Deeba Siddiqui
- Patient satisfaction with their historical choice to undergo bariatric surgery in the era of new anti-obesity medications – A Modified Delphi Study - Ildiko Lingvay
- The effect of healthy ketogenic diet vs calorierestricted diet on weight and metabolic outcomes among individuals with obesity: A randomized controlled trial - Melissa Tay Hui Juan
- Comparison of calcium citrate and calcium carbonate absorption in patients with a Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy, and One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass: A double-blind, randomized cross-over trial - Mohamed Hany
- Association between eating pathology with weight-loss outcome and its management - Naureen Mansuri
- Much Ado About Copper and Zinc - An Australian Perspective - Nazy Zarshenas
- Mechanism of thiamine-Semaglutide alleviating MAFLD in mice - Wang Zeng
- Effect of Balance and Core Strengthening Exercises on Falls Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Quality of Life in Geriatric Patients After Bariatric Surgeries - Winnie Mathur
- De Novo Gastric Reflux in LSG - Hein Maung
- Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty 5 years data: What happened to our patients after 5 years - Mahak Bhandari
- Single-anastomosis sleeve jejunal bypass (SASJ) delivers satisfactory weight loss outcome in short-term follow-up - Ming-Hsien Lee
- Three-year results of comparison between Ringed versus non-ringed Roux-en-Y gastric bypass A Randomized Control Trial - Ming-Hsien Lee
- Pouch Size in OAGB - Mohammad Talebpour
- Prospective Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Fixed Versus Tailored Limb Lengths for Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch - Preekesh Patel
- Single-anastomosis sleeve jejunal bypass (SASJ) outperforms sleeve gastrectomy in intermediate term follow-up - Tien-Chou Soong
- Single-anastomosis sleeve jejunal bypass (SASJ) shows a noninferior result to one-anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) in two years - Yu-Hung Lin
- Surgical Outcomes in Diabetic Patients Undergoing OAGB: A Historical Cohort Study - Zvi Perry
- Revisional Surgery for Malnutrition Following SADI-S: Laparoscopic Common Channel Elongation as a Secure Treatment Option - A Case Series Study - Aghiles Abbad
- Revisional Surgery After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Weight Regain or Inadequate Weight Loss - An MBSAQIP Analysis - Ashley Tran
- Post-operative Outcomes Following Emergent Revisional Bariatric Surgery - A Propensity Score Matched MBSAQIP Analysis - Ashley Tran
- Eight-Year Experience with Double Pigtail Stent Drainage for the Management of Post-Bariatric Surgery Complications in the United Arab Emirates - Juan Pablo Pantoja
- Safety and effectiveness of conversion from Adjustable Gastric Band to Ring-augmented Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass - Kayleigh van Dam
- Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) for the treatment of GERD after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) in French Polynesia - Massimo Senni Buratti
- One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB) vs Roux en Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) after failed Vertical band gastroplasty (VBG): a Prospective Cohort Study - Mostafa Nagy
- Late Gastropleural Fistula after the Management of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Leakage - Nader Moeinvaziri
- Safety and efficacy of One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass as a conversion procedure following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for recurrent weight gain - Nicholas Cocco
- Using Continuous Glucose Monitors in Bariatric Surgical Patients: A Surprised Finding - Peter S Billing
- Evaluation of Revision Procedures for Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: A Comparative Analysis in Indian Patients - Randeep Wadhawan
- OAGB or RYGB as Revisional Surgery for Failed Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: A Comparison of Weight Loss Outcomes - Ravi Aggarwal
- Severe obesity with thyroid cancer - Cunchuan Wang
- Severe Obesity with Cancer:How should we do? - Cunchuan Wang
- Severe obesity (BMI more than 35kg/m2) with gastric cancer, how should we do? - Liyong Zhu
- Severe Obesity (BMI > 35kg/m2) with Colorectal Cancer: How Should We Proceed? - Charles Peng Zhang
- Severe obesity (BMI more than 35 kg/m2) with liver cancer, how should we do? - Zhiyong Dong
- Small Bowel EBMT - Barham Abu Dayyeh
- Bariatric and Metabolic Endoscopy: New Management Paradigm Combining Endoscopy and Medications: Does it Make Sense? - Christine Stier
- Hybrid Metabolic and Bariatric Interventions - Natan Zundel
- Gastric Remodelling Technique- Current and Future Platforms - Ravishankar Asokkumar
- Robotic Metabolic/Bariatric Surgery: value of an assist port - Abdelrahman A. Nimeri
- Robotic Gastric Bypass - Robot v Hugo Platform - Michael Talbot
- After Hours Emergency: No Robotic Help, Untrained Staff, No Assistants - You Get to Troubleshoot it ALL! - Monique Hassan
- Robotic Surgery-Overview - Rana C Pullatt
- Robotic Surgery-Overview - Rana C Pullatt
- Incorporating Robotics Into a Surgeon’s Practice, Despite Administrative Pushback - Sarah Samreen
- Lifestyle Interventions First, Foremost, Forever - Gary Wittert
- A primer on contemporary pharmacotherapy for obesity and T2D - Priya Sumithran
- Uptake of obesity treatments: what do patients think - Ricardo Cohen
- Pharmacotherapy and MBS Friend or Foe? - Wendy Brown
- Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi - Rami Lufti
- Changes in left ventricular parameters after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in patients with severe obesity - Akira Umemura
- Brain Volumetric Changes one year after sleeve gastrectomy - Benjamin Clapp
- Minimal important difference in weight loss and bariatric surgery: Enhancing BODY-Q interpretability - Claire de Vries
- Patients with diabetes require more stapler reloads per bariatric procedure - David Martin
- Can the surgeon pick fatty liver at operation? Comparing macroscopic appearance and histology - Ian D Michell
- Factors Predicting Variability in Total Small Bowel Length - Muffazal Lakdawala
- The impact of patient demographics on the third lumbar vertebral skeletal muscle index (L3SMI) of patients with obesity - Othman Al-Fagih
- Imaging changes of the male breast following bariatric surgery: a retrospective study - Pengpeng Wang
- Using Body-Q as a Pre-operative Evaluation Tool for Patients Undergoing Body Contouring Surgery - Min Zhang
- Sex-Specific Associations Between Serum Vitamin D Levels and Health Status in Chinese Individuals with Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Study - Jiahui Yu
- Endoscopic Duodenal Mucosal Resurfacing for Lowering Fasting Blood Glucose in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Clinical Case Report - Hua Meng
- Comparative Analysis of Single Anastomosis Sleeve Ileal Bypass (SASI) versus Sleeve Gastrectomy: Impact on Weight Loss, Body Composition, and Comorbidities - Mariia Miasnikova
- ESG with TIF - Maryam Al Khatry
- Use of Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose During Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis - Mohammad Farooque Dudhwala
- The Future of Bariatric Surgery Training: Remote, AI-Enhanced Skill Development and Real Surgery Evaluation - Rafael Selman
- The efficacy of endoscopic botulinum toxin injection and semaglutide injection in the treatment of postoperative weight gain in patients undergoing LSG - Shaohan Zhang
- The correlation between vitamin D levels and demographics in patients with gastrointestinal disorders; a cross-sectional study - Suhaib Ahmad
- Gastric bypass stent treatment for postoperative obesity after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: an open-label, pilot study - Zhengqi Li
- Application of radiofrequency ablation in duodenal mucosal resurfacing: an open-label, pilot study - Zhengqi Li
- Is Preoperative Weight Loss Necessary? - Jamy Ard
- Obesity Management Medication: Is There a Role Preop? - Kwang Wei THAM
- How to help match foods choices to procedures, micronutrients, protein food content - Mary O'Kane
- Indications for Surgery ASMBS-IFSO New Guidelines for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery - Scott A. Shikora
- Principles of Revision SurgeryHow to Stay Safe - Ahmad Aly
- Technical Expertise: Fundamentals of Duodenal Bypass - Antonio J. Torres
- General Surgical Training Anthropometric measurements - Asim Shabbir
- Fundamentals of Robotic Surgery Early Career Fundamentals 2024 IFSO Melbourne - Candice Silverman
- Early Career Fundamentals: Gastric Bypass - Kelvin D Higa
- Recognising and management of unexpected problems: bleeding, injury, large hiatus hernia, adhesions, eschar - Simon K.H. Wong
- Lessons Learnt with Wisdom - Harry Frydenberg
- What is ethical and effective marketing? - Jacob Chisholm
- Career Development - Marina Kurian
- Early career fundamentals Measuring quality in MBS - Wendy Brown
- How is the nutrition evaluation for RWG after MBS different than patients with severe obesity - Mary O'Kane
- Robotic Surgery may offer solutions for higher risk in revision MBS - Anthony Clough
- MBS will (Continue to) Increase in the Future - Francesco Rubino
- The Pathophysiology of Recurrent Weight Gain After MBS - Lee M. Kaplan
- Appropriate preop workup for RWG after MBS with or without GERD - Lilian Kow
- What is the Scientific Current Evidence on Revisional MBS based on the IFSO/ASMBS Update? - Maurizio De Luca
- What is the Scientific Current Evidence on Revisional MBS based on the IFSO/ASMBS Update? - Maurizio De Luca
- MAGNETIC SURGERY will have a significant place for Revision for Weight Gain after Metabolic/Bariatric Surgery - Michel Gagner
- Anti Obesity Medications Mainstay for Recurrent Weight Gain after Metabolic Bariatric Surgery - Nic Kormas
- Recurrent weight gain is normal after MBS: how do we define suboptimal weight loss and recurrent weight gain? - Paulina Salminen
- RWG after LSG Long BPL RYGB gastric bypass: The first 117 cases - Ashraf Haddad
- Endoscopic Revision - Barham Abu Dayyeh
- Revision RYGBP: Type 1 Distalization is the Way to Go - Kelvin D Higa
- Revision for Recurrent Weight Gain – Conversion to SADI - Muffazal Lakdawala
- Recurrent weight gain after RYGB -Conversion to DS/ SADI-S - Ravi Rao
- RWG after sleeve gastrectomy The best option is an OAGB - Wendy Brown
- Tricks Around The Hiatus Revisional Surgery Pre Congress Course IFSO 2024 - Ahmad Aly
- Duodenal Disecction and DI in SADI-S and DS: Tips and Tricks - Antonio J. Torres
- Recurrence of Weight Gain after RYGB… The story of the 4th Redo - Ashraf Haddad
- Metabolic surgery and difficultabdomen. Can we do it? Should we do it? - George Hopkins
- How to Avoid Marginal Ulcers in RYGB and OAGB - Hazem Al Momani
- Ten Years of Change Bariatric/Metabolic Surgery in the Asia-Pacific Region with COVID-19 Pandemic: IFSO-APC National Reports 2021 - Hazem Al Momani
- IFSO-EC REPORT SEPT 2023- AUG 2024 - Luigi Angrisani
- IFSO LAC REPORT 30th - Sergio Aparicio
- IFSO MENA 2024 Report - Khaled Gawdat
- IFSO NAC Report - Jaime Ponce
- IFSO Integrated Health Section - Silvia Leite
- Educational Committee - Natan Zundel
- Case Conundrums
- IFSO Communication Committee Report - Hazem Al Momani
- IFSO Melbourne 2024 Executive Board Report - Ahmad Aly
- Endoscopy Committee Report - Christine Stier
- IFSO Financial report July 2023-June 2024 - Gerhard Prager
- Obesity Surgery Update - Scott A. Shikora
- 26th IFSO world congress in Naples with 3454 participants - Luigi Angrisani
- Registry Committee - Ronald Liem
- Bidding Proposal for IFSO 2028 in Seoul - Seung-Wan Ryu
- New medications will lower the numbers of MBS - Nasreen Alfaris
- Young IFSO Report 2024 - Wah Yang
- Eating behaviours: What are the red flags? - Kylie Murphy
- Long-term Outcomes of Metabolic Surgery - Lee M. Kaplan
- Management of MAFLD/MASLD in people with obesity - Samantha Hocking
- Causes of obesity and mechanisms of weight regulation and why it is so difficult to maintain weight loss - Priya Sumithran
- Modern treatment of obesity pharmacotherapy & metabolic surgery: friend or foe? - Ricardo Cohen
- Update on recent advances in pharmacotherapy for obesity - Samantha Hocking
- Managing obesity in adolescents - Louise Baur
- Dietary interventions in obesity management - Louise Becroft
- Is it possible to rehabilitate your relationship with food after a lifetime of dieting? - Cal Paterson
- A coordinated approach to managing patients with eating disorders post MBS - Kate Berridge
- Bite size recovery - Stephanie Gilroy
- To Weigh or Not To Weigh? - Stephanie Sogg
- Does structured physical activity post metabolic and bariatric surgery result in improved retention of lean body mass in the longer term? - Dan van den Hoek
- Life after MBS: What clinicians should know about the consequences of skeletal muscle loss - Lauren Hanna
- Proactive vs Reactive approach: The role of nutritional support in minimizing lean muscle loss - Silvia Leite
- Electing the most appropriate procedure with respect to nutritional risks, from a surgical perspective - Edo Aarts
- Electing the most appropriate procedure with respect to nutritional risks, from a surgical perspective - Edo Aarts
- Selecting the most appropriate procedure with respect to nutritional risk from a dietetic perspective - Katie Lambert
- Managing the complications of severe malabsorptive procedures - Mary O'Kane
- Nutrition Support in Severe Post-Op Complications: Enteral vs Parenteral Feeding and How To Do It - Nazy Zarshenas
- The benefits of providing patients with psychological support following higher risk and complex MBS - Simon Morris
- Which hiatal hernia has to be repaired in primary bypass surgery? - Catalin Copaescu
- OAGB: Is there a "Best" Technique? - Chetan Parmar
- Ring-Aumented Bypasses When to use in primary LRYGB and Revisional surgery? - Jan Willem Greve
- Pouch size: does it really matter? - Michel Suter
- RYGB- is there a "Best" technique? - Torsten Olbers
- Recurrent weight gain after OAGB: Treatment options and algorithm - Chetan Parmar
- Evidence Based Medicine for limb lengths in bypass surgery: Is there optimal BP-limb length? Standard limb lengths or a tailored approach? - Ralph Peterli
- Too much of a good thing might be bad: Liver failure after too long BPL: Diagnosis and treatment - Ricardo Cohen
- Hypo-absorption Or Malnutrition In OAGB Or Distal Bypass - Shashank Shah
- Reversal to normal anatomy, indications, preoperative work-up, technical aspects - Nasser Sakran
- 5-year outcomes of OAGB:the YOMEGA randomized trial - Francois Pattou
- Biliary reflux after OAGB and GERD after LRYGB - Gerhard Prager
- Internal hernia Diagnose and treatment - Johan Ottosson
- What are the target benchmark outcomes for bypass surgery? - Marco Bueter
- Treatment of Early Complications: RGB/OAGB - Marina Kurian
- Optimal patient selection For RYGB & OAGB - Nick Williams
- Ulcers after OAGB and RYGB: treatment algorithm - Ronald Liem
- Chronic abdominal pain after RYGB - Ronald Liem
- Pre-operative Counselling may Benefit Patients in their Decision to Proceed with Bariatric Surgery - Bernadette O'Flynn
- Bariatric Surgery is a physical and psychological experience for people living with obesity - Carrie-Anne Lewis
- Patient Follow-up Compliance Total Telehealth LSG - Garett Smith
- Ambulatory Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Non-inferior Option for Bariatric Patients - Julie-Ann Lloyd
- Development of the Postoperative Adjusted Percentile Tool (PAPT) for weight evolution assessment after gastric bypass - Marc Beisani
- Worry, Fear Or Attention? Is The Gen Z Getting Metabolically Older Prematurely Due To Obesity? - Radhika Shah
- Enhanced Recovery After Bariatric Surgery A Retrospective Analysis of 100 Consecutive Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Cases - Seiichi Kitahama
- Ambulatory Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery have better Outcomes and Satisfaction Scores Compared to Inpatient Surgery - Sunil K. Sharma
- Development of a novel clinical scoring system to predict Moderate to Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea in patients undergoing bariatric surgery - Teerapap Garigarn
- The importance of accurate resting energy expenditure (REE) measurement in patients with overweight and obesity - William Bruce
- Baxter: Staple line buttress and hemostasis - Chad Carlton
- Sustaining the future together ANZMOSS Conference National Convention Centre Canberra - Chad Carlton
- Medicolegal aspects of MBS in the US: What crisis? - Abdelrahman A. Nimeri
- ANZMOSS Results of Medicolegal Survey - Abdelrahman A. Nimeri
- Calculation of Quantum in Medical Negligence Proceedings in Australia - Beth Altson
- MDO Experience: Claims in Australia - Karen Hammarberg
- David Breakfast Session - Betty Bian
- Out with the Old and In with the New? A critical appraisal of Opiate Free TIVA in Bariatric Anaesthesia - Douglas Hacking
- Bariatric Surgery Registry WORKSHOP - Douglas Hacking
- Recruitment for the Bariatric Surgery Registry - Rachana James
- Bariatric Surgical Jeopardy Round 1
- Bariatric Surgical Jeopardy Round 2
- Bariatric Surgical Jeopardy Round 3
- IFSO Registry Committee - Ronald Liem
- Is Obesity Ill-Conceived? Why a Radical Reframing is Needed to Improve Care and Policy - Francesco Rubino
- Lancet DE Commission on Clinical Obesity Pathophysiology - John B Dixon
- Implications for clinical practice: a physician's perspective - Louise Baur
- Lancet Commission on clinical obesity – Reframing how we define obesity - Priya Sumithran
- Definition of clinical obesity and the implications for Clinical Practice: Surgeon’s perspective - Ricardo Cohen
- Obesity as a disease A controversial idea - Wendy Brown
- Opening Welcome Melbourne IFSO 2024 - Ahmad Aly
- Obesity Biology: What’s Trending? - Lee M. Kaplan
- Next Generation Bariatric Metabolic Surgery - An integrated future - Michael Cowley
- Next Generation Metabolic Surgery - Philip R. Schauer
- AI and the future of everything - Simon Kos
- Combined therapies, The dawn of a new era - Camilo Boza
- AI-based Weight Maintenance Digital Platform For Bariatric Patient: A Multidisciplinary Approach - Sarfraz Khokhar
- Scopinaro Lecture - Layne Beachley
- Active clinical work: metabolic bariatric surgery - Gerhard Prager
- Validation of the SF-BARI Score With registry data from Northern-Europe - Ronald Liem
- AI-based Weight Maintenance Digital Platform For Bariatric Patient: A Multidisciplinary Approach - Sarfraz Khokhar
- Compassionate Release of Superannuation Guidelines & Compliance - Zain Merhebe