IFSO is a Federation of National Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Societies. To join IFSO you have to join first the National Society of the country you live in.

By doing this you will become automatically an IFSO member.

If you live in a country where there is no National Society, you can join IFSO individually (see button below).


IFSO Regular Member: 150 USD

This fee includes complimentary subscription to the official journal of the Federation Obesity Surgery (12 print issues + online version).

IFSO Regular Member: 80 USD

This fee includes complimentary subscription to the official journal of the Federation Obesity Surgery (only online version).

IFSO Integrated Health Members, Trainees / Residents / Students: 20 USD

This fee includes complimentary subscription to the official journal of the Federation Obesity Surgery (only online version).

I.H. Members receive an I.H. Membership certificate and a I.H. badge at IFSO Congresses. I.H. Member are not entitled to submit an abstract to be presented in the surgical sessions of the Congress. They can submit abstracts to be presented in the I.H. sessions.

You can apply as Individual Member only if you live in a country where there is no national society of bariatric surgery. Otherwise you can become IFSO member through your national society.

It is not possible to subscribe to SOARD through us.

If you want to subscribe to SOARD please contact ASMBS or visit

Membership Benefits include:

  • Free Online subscription to the following Springer journals:
    • Obesity Surgery 
    • Surgical Endoscopy 
    • World Journal of Surgery 
    • BMC Nutrition 
    • Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders 
    • Eating and Weight Disorders 
  • IFSO Global Registry – free data submission and publication on annual report
  • Free access to IFSO Virtual Academy:
  • Monthly Webinar (recorded and archived)
  • Monthly Journal Club (recorded and archived)
  • IFSO Video Library (recorded lectures)
  • Access to the section of Obesity Surgery dedicated to Video Case Reports (VCR)
  • Eligibility to get IFSO’s endorsement for your event
  • Eligibility to win every year one of the several IFSO Scholarships for surgeons and I.H. members to attend IFSO World Congress (2,500 USD$ each)
  • Special discounted fee for editing services for your articles and abstracts
  • Job Board to find and offer jobs worldwide
  • Quarterly online E-Newsletters
  • Eligibility to join IFSO Facebook Group
  • Eligibility to join YOUNG IFSO Group (up to 45 years)
  • Membership in the biggest professional global Community in the field of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery

For details on how your National Obesity Surgery Society can become a member of IFSO, please contact

IFSO Secretariat
Manuela Mazzarella 

Rione Sirignano, 5
80121 Napoli - ITALY
Ph. 0039 081 7611085
Fax. 0039 081 664372
[javascript protected email address]